Private Lessons Form

  • Link to our: Dress Code Page

    • In the event that an injury should occur that requires immediate medical attention, I understand that the staff of WiLoKi Dance Center will call 911. I assume the responsibility for payment of any such treatment, or costs incurred from such a call.

    • I understand that participation in dance and/or tumbling classes, rehearsals, performances and traveling to and from these activities with or without supervision may give rise to personal injury. I do hereby voluntarily participate in said activities with that knowledge and agree to accept all risks arising therefrom. I do hereby release and hold harmless WiLoKi Dance Center L.L.C. from any and all actions, damages, claims, or demands that I may have against WiLoKi Dance Center, its officers, directors, members, instructors, and/or persons employed or engaged by the company from all liabilities known or unknown in the event of an accident, including but not limited to bodily injury, personal injuries, and loss or damage to property. I accept responsibility for obtaining appropriate accident, health, and hospitalization insurance to cover the student in the event of personal injury. In the event of an injury or medical emergency, I authorize WiLoKi Dance Center to seek medical assistance, and I agree to be responsible for medical expenses incurred on behalf of the student.

    • I grant permission to WiLoKi Dance Center L.L.C. and its agents or employees to use photographs and/or video and audio taken of myself/my child. These images may be used in educational and documentary materials, such as Public Service Announcements, Grant Applications, Video Documentaries, as well as printed and electronic newsletters. Furthermore, I authorize the use of my image, likeness, and voice for all program promotion materials, and any other purposes in connection with the program deemed appropriate and necessary by WiLoKi Dance Center L.L.C. I hereby agree to release, defend, and hold harmless WiLoKi Dance Center L.L.C. and its agents or employees, including any firm publishing and/or distributing the finished product in whole or part, whether on paper, via electronic media, social media, or on websites, from any claim, damages, or liability arising from or related to the use of such photographs/video, including but not limited to any misuse, distortion, blurring, alteration, optical illusion, or use in composite form, either intentionally or otherwise, that may occur or be produced in taking, processing, reduction, or production of the finished product, its publication and/or distribution. I am 18 years of age or older and have read this release before signing. I fully understand the contents, meaning, and impact this release. I understand that I am free to address any specific questions regarding this release by submitting those questions in writing prior to signing, and I agree that my failure to do so will be interpreted as a free and knowledgeable acceptance of the terms of this release. WiLoKi Dance Center and its faculty have my permission to share photos/videos that include my child via local newspaper, news stations, and/or social media platforms.

    • With the purpose of safeguarding students, of providing the best class experience, of giving the best opportunity to learn, and of upholding an encouraging, hard-working, and enjoyable class environment for all students... With the purpose of teaching and training our students in the values of respect, diligence, self-control, and consideration towards others... We are setting out Version 1.0 of the WiLoKi Student Behavior Policy for this class session. Within this policy, the following actions shall be deemed as unbefitting of partaking of classes at WiLoKi Dance Center: Physical Contact of any negative form (ie., punching, hitting, kicking, pushing, pinching, etc.) Verbal Bullying of any form (ie., making fun of another student, telling another student they are bad at something, calling another student names, etc.) Disrespecting ones instructor, parent, or any staff member (ie., backtalking, refusing to listen to instructions, walking out of class without permission, refusing to come to class when called by the instructor, refusing to participate in activities when directed by the class instructor, etc.) Inappropriate Actions or Words (any swear words, cuss words, or vulgar language, any sexualized dance moves, any sexualized verbiage, etc.) While it is fully noted within the WiLoKi staff that students may have varying reasons for behavior, that a student may be having a bad day, that they may make a mistake, and we wish to show grace for these things, we also view that it is important to give students a standard to live up to, and know that we must hold a class to a consistent standard of behavior, or else we will have no standard of behavior at all. Therefore, under this Version 1.0 Student Behavior Policy, consequences for any display of these actions shall be ranked by the class lvl in which they occur. Lvl 0 Classes - Parents will be asked to address the behavior with their child. There is more leniency for behavior in this class level, as this is our introductory level for toddlers to learn how to behave in a class environment and with other students. Depending on the behavior, we can accommodate for it to improve with time, though some behaviors may give cause to have the student take a break from the class until they are ready to try again. Lvl 1 Classes - Students will be given 2 verbal warnings, and the instructor is to take a note down to pass along to the Dance Center Director to address with the student's parent. Decisions on how to address the behavior will be made between the WiLoKi Director, the class instructor, and the student's parents. Lvl 2 Classes - Students will be given 1 verbal warning, and then instructors will write down a note for the Director to contact parents if the behavior repeats. If the students persists in the behavior, they will be dismissed from the rest of class and their parent contacted to come get them. Lvl 3 & 4 Classes - Instructors shall take notes if any of these behaviors occur, and the Director shall contact a parent of the student involved. If the behavior repeats past the first time being addressed, students shall be dismissed from class, and their parent called to come get them. If a student is dismissed from class, the WiLoKi Director shall seek to set a meeting with the student, parent, and instructor of the class to communicate about the situation and work out a plan for the student to avoid the identified behavior in the future. If a student is dismissed from class 3 times, they shall be presumed removed from the class for the remainder of the session, unless the Director sees reason to make an exception to the rule due to circumstances from case to case. --My goal with this Version 1.0 policy is to fully address the situations of unacceptable behavior that I have dealt with in classes that I have taught, as well as that I have heard of from parents and staff members regarding situations with some students in classes I do not teach. I hope that by setting this policy as a backbone for discipline, student behavioral expectations, and consequences, I will be able to equip the staff members at WiLoKi to fully address any disruptive or unacceptable behavior in a real way.